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Can we combine Sunnah fasts Mon & Thurs, white days, & Ashura to mandatory missed fasts? assim al
Double intention for missed days of Ramadan with Ashura Arafah 3 White days Mondays Thursdays assim
Can I Have Dual intention in fasting the missed days and the white days #HUDATV
Can we combine missed mandatory fasts or Sunnah fasts to Ramadan? Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem -JAL
Fasting on white days or every Monday & Thursday | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Does combining Missed Mandatory Fasts to Voluntary fasts get you both rewards? | Assim Al Hakeem
Can we skip some fasts from the White Days or must we do all of them for full reward? | Assim AlHake
Is it permissible to fast the white days and Monday's & thrusdays Or should we do only one |
Lots of Missed fasts to keep, what to do? - Assim al hakeem
Can we combine missed fasts or expiation fasts to Ashura? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Is it a MUST to fast the white days together & what is better, Fasting Monday Thursday or White Days
How to make up missed fasts if I'm not sure how many days I must make up? - assim al hakeem